Dan's List of Extraordinary Practitioners
In my private practice and teaching world, I am constantly asked for special referrals for my client, particularly in the area of integrative medicine and healthy lifestyle.
Below, you'll find my special picks of extraordinary practitioners and healers that I have personally seen. If you would like to discuss the possibility of being on Dan’s list, or know an appropriate addition, please contact me.
Mary McCullough 310-435-1248
Neil Gumenick 310-453-2235 http://www.5elements.com
Miles Reed 310-894-5274 http://www.tilomedical.com/about_us.htm
Anger management work:
Stephen Wolf Ph.d
Judith Milburn Ph.d 714-968-4242 www.judithmilburn.com/workshops.html
Aston Patterning:
Harvey Rudarian 310-473-6229
Biofeedback/ neurofeedback:
Breath work:
Michael Batliner 310-379-3965
Chiropractic care:
Joel Bienenfeld D.C 310-993-6656 DrJoelChiropractic.com
Jeanette Ryan D.C (310) 395-3653 DrJeanetteRyan.com
Gary Jacob D.C 310 459 1962 www.GaryJacob.com
Colon therapy:
Cranio-sacral therapy:
Marion klein PT- Joint and spinal mobilizations and myofascial technique- 310 477-6987
Shelly pusich (310)440-8809
Feng Shui- Space Clearing:
M.Carol Assa – 323-665-8410 [email protected]
Hair Balancing
Gail Bowen (818)363-3693
Lymphatic treatment:
Emily Iker MD. 310-829-7472 http://www.lymphedemacenter.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=1
Massage Therapy:
Isaree at Siri Foot Spa 310 231 3503
Medical Doctors:
Meditation practices:
Kip Wood “zen” teaching practice: www.thebok.net
Neuro-Muscular Therapy:
Gadi Kaufman- 310 451-4113 www.gadibody.com
Scott Pyatt – 949 939 2807
Naturopathic and Nutrition:
Dr. Sarah Whitney ND (310)849-2244
Dr. Angel Agrios ND (310)459-2942 www.DrAngelaAgrios.com
Tudor Maranesque DO (310)664-8818
Robert Trafelli DO (310)664-8818
Eric Dolgin DO (310)664-8818
Physical Therapy:
Dave Powers PT (310)871-8210
Karen Reiteager 310 279 8968
Noelle Rox http://www.noellesperfectfitness.com/
Prolo Therapy, PRP, etc
Orthopedic Osteorelief Institute. (800)777-5633
Dr Daniello Aufiero MD (310) 453-5404 (Office)
Marc Darrow MD (877) 756-0601
Peter Fields Phone: 310.453.1234 www.drfields.com
Psychic healers/ Energy workers:
Ken Klee 310- 825 -7460, 310-395 -0447
Carolyn Conger 310-453 0376 http://www.Congerseminars.com
Judy Nelson 310-395-1170
Karin Solo 310-717-6829 http://www.heartflamehealing.com
Stephen Wolf Ph.D 310-479-1143 http://www.tamingyouranger.com
Expand your professional practice. Become proficient at training others to Tame their Anger & get certified by the National Anger Management Association.
Margie Mirell 310-394-6262
Johnny Nadleman 310- 364-4363
Thai Yoga:
Phoebe Diftler 310-459-1276 http://WWW.phoebethaiyoga.com
Tantra Education:
Dawn Cartwright 310-592 1293 http://www.chandrabindutantrainstitute.com
Trauma work/ Somatic Experiencing:
Catalina 818-430-8983
Gina Ross Ph.d 323-934-0379
Yoga Teachers:
Lary Payne 310-306-8845 http://www.somata.com
Phoebe Diftler 310-459-1276 http://www.phoebethaiyoga.com
Photography by Alexandra De Furio
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