From a Structural Integration (SI) perspective, body symptoms, including localized dysfunctions, are considered to reflect a lack of integration of the body parts (we call them ‘whole parts’).   These whole parts are all connected by fascia, the connective tissue that holds the entire body together.  Fascia is considered to be the organ of structure.  The way stress, tension and rigidity affect the body, is that the body shortens and compresses, creating shortness in the joints and surrounding tissues.  This is actually a loss of space inside the body.

Poor spacing between structures either to little space or too much space between can cause irritation and other symptoms.   For example, in the case of a joint, there are two or more bones coming together (articulating).  The ends of bones are lined with cartilage and lubricating fluids.  In the case of a synovial joint, like the shoulder or hip joints; as myofascial (tissues which include fascia and muscle) “pulls” in the tissue result in structures being too crowded, joints compress and movement becomes restricted…Misalignment results.





While it is true that symptoms have causes, often determining cause and effect can be a futile task. There is often a smoking gun in reference to what may be a cause, while it is also true that prior to an identified cause occurring, something else happened to create that circumstance and cause- and so on. What is almost always part of somatic symptomology is a movement pattern which can be tethered to an emotional complex or reaction, that will induce a particular type of ‘clenching’ or tensing of muscles, which distorts the body’s natural alignment and function.
Both suddenly or over time this can create compression and even affect the placement of bones - and this creates problems like aches and pains and deteriorates joints and circulation.
The solution is to become conscious of our movement patterns that are restrictive or that lack fluidity and alignment. A great example is sitting poorly which creates compression and creates twists and displaces spinal curves- So once we notice what our patterns are, and once we know how to correct them with aligned, fluid and relaxed ones, many of our symptoms diminish. There is an order to the body, on an organizational level, which is designed to work within the earths gravity field. When our bodies come back to balance and our correct movement patterns are learned or restored we can function better and feel much better. Movement Education is part of Embodiment training and to move with the greatest of ease and grace not only looks beautiful and natural, but creates great pleasure and keeps us young. This is all available for you! 



Ergonomics is the science of creating an environment that maximizes the worker’s ability to perform his or her tasks comfortably and safely. A better understanding of these issues can help maintain your health and safety in the workplace and your complete daily life.

Safety in the workplace is both the responsibility of the employer—to provide the safest environment, safety procedures and systems available—as well as the employee—to use good judgment and act with safety-mindedness.

Ultimately, you need to be responsible for yourself, i.e., know your limitations and capabilities. After all you only have one body your entire life. Use it wisely.
Whether your lifting activities are occasional or frequent, or your loads are light or heavy, your preparedness needs to be the same.

Did you know that picking up a simple pen or piece of paper can put hundreds of pounds of pressure on your back, or little pressure at all—depending on how you do it? The times that your back goes out are just as likely to happen when you are washing your face in the morning or getting out of the car.

So please—take lifting very seriously and do not take any lifting situation for granted.

Even sitting at your desk can be hazardous to your health, depending on how you are positioning your body, your desk, chair, and computer heights.  Many people now have state of the art workstations and ergonomic chairs, but don’t know how to use them.

In my corporate work, I would walk into a manufacturing or office environment and analyze the workers doing their tasks.  I would watch the assembly line personnel screwing the caps onto bottles, over and over, all day long.  I witnessed workers working with tight and locked shoulders, over tightening arms and doing so at incorrect angles and work-station heights, with no movement present in their necks or backs.  They would stand with their weight unevenly distributed on their legs and feet…..Day after day….= Repetitive strain injury (RSI) waiting to happen.

My job was to teach them how to do their task with relaxed shoulders, and with movement in their necks/spines, and with balanced weight on both feet.  The results were amazing!  Reductions in stress claims and injuries!  Great reductions!  And, a more relaxed work environment without a reduction in production!

Imagine learning how to be in your body in a balanced and effortless way, all day.  You can have this with the BODY MASTERY SYSTEM.



Joseph Heller has said, “The way we are in our body is the way we are in the world.” Therefore, if we move around in a tight body, we then most likely relate to the world in a constricted way. If we learn to move in a comfortable manner, chances are that our experience of the world is one of feeling relaxed and “at home.”

So if body movement patterns can create emotional attitude, then emotions can create movement patterns in the body.
Imagine for a moment that you are the most successful person in your field. Let your body posture shift to match that feeling of success. Have you got the idea?

What Impression Are You Making?

We are all constantly sizing each other up. We watch someone and, however analytical or judgmental, decide that person’s level of success. Clearly, people are evaluating (whether accurately or not) your body language everyday. What you observe about people is also what they observe about you. For example…

  • slumped shoulders = you are burdened, resigned, overwhelmed
  • shoulders high = you are fearful, protected
  • pigeon-toed = you are awkward or socially inept
  • chest thrust out = for a woman, your only value is sexual; for a man, you are self-important
  • sitting with crossed arms = you are unavailable
  • head tipped down = you are timid, need approval
  • sitting slumped over = you are lazy, fatigued

Both to yourself and others, your success is reflected in your posture and in whether your body moves with balance, ease, and freedom.
Let us begin your journey to Structural Integration by learning how your posture both reflects and creates your body image.
Re-create your whole body and your body image right now, with the BODY MASTERY SYSTEM.


Not for the average Joe and Jane.

Holding in one’s guts is common practice for humans for several reasons. For one thing, today’s media-induced appearance standards revere people having a flat stomach. And, on a primitive level, whereas most other animals conceal their soft underbellies, we humans are upright, and our precious “innards” are vulnerable to attack. As a result, many of us also hold in our guts to protect ourselves from fearful things in our environment.

For whatever reason that we do it, holding in our stomach all day takes a great deal of effort and creates all sorts of tension. This can lead to all kinds of blockages and digestive and circulatory problems. It also blocks our emotions and intuitive feelings. Although it is very important to have muscle tone in the abdomen, this should be done with special exercises, not by holding in.

There are two major contributors to having too much belly—other than from overeating or pregnancy. One is the slumped or depressed ribcage, which creates a nice belly pouch. The second is the pelvic bowl tipping forward which creates a nice potbelly. The solution is to balance your pelvis. Structural imbalances and muscle imbalances can be corrected with awareness and correcting the pelvic position can be done without chronic holding.  Stop wasting all of your energy holding in your stomach and learn how to re-balance the entire are, with the BODY MASTERY SYSTEM



Over the ages, bodywork has been found in many different varieties.  Nearly every culture has had within it, one form of bodywork or another.  In modern times, we have access to every type of bodywork imaginable, from every culture the world over.

There is bodywork for every body, and for every condition…. The challenge is to find the right one for the right person, at the right time.
Some bodywork forms are very light touch, some very heavy handed.  Some bodywork happens with hands off the body, some is in the form of movement awareness.  Each form has its function:

Some of the most popular modalities with are move energetically based are:
Thai massage, Jin shin Jyutsu, shiatsu, chini sang, tui na, reflexology, acupressure, polarity therapy, cranio-sacral therapy etc.  These modalities like the others can be curative for many health related issues, and quite beneficial for immune building, energy cultivation, and anti-aging.

There are more western forms that are more manipulative like:
Chiropractic, Trager, Swedish massage, deep tissue, osteopathy etc (many of these are energetically based as well).

There are forms that create body awareness, balance, and integration, such as:
Feldenkrais, Alexander, Yoga, Pilates, etc.  All of them wonderful and empowering ways to bring great improvements to the body/mind.

Then there is Structural Integration.  Forms such as Hellerwork, Rolf-method, Rolfing, Soma, KMI, Aston Patterning etc. are mostly based on Ida Rolf’s method of Structural Integration.  These methods serve to re-align the body with gravity, to improve posture, reduce chronic pain and tension, create more flexibility and allow for newfound grace and ease of movement.

To determine which form of bodywork is for you, you must research the different types, or intuit your preferences.  What kind of results are you looking for?  Make sure that the one you pick is able to give you the results you are looking for, and just know that there is a lot of overlap between the modalities.

Many people just hear about a modality or a practitioner of one of these arts through a friend, loved one, or from reading.

I have found that no one modality or any one practitioner can deliver all of the goods, but rather a wisely orchestrated triage of modalities can create the best results.  I used to own and operate one of the largest multi-disciplinary alternative medicine clinics in the United States.  I found that there is a “right work” for each person, but the key is to find which one it will be, at the right time!


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Body Mastery System is oriented towards the SI model of wellness, through awareness, balance and alignment.  Naturally, I recommend that you begin with the


for fitness enthusiasts, yogis and Pilates practitioners, or anyone with a desire to free yourself of stress and create beautiful and effortless alignment and body movement I recommened the Align for Life Series

Align for life Logo Align for life Logo Align for life Logo


Martin Short


“I’ve been pretty rubbery in my body movements throughout my life and one of the important reasons for that is Dan Bienenfeld. The man is truly a genius. There’s no one better at making you feel better. Align For Life is a remarkable read."

Comedian & Actor


“Dan Bienenfeld’s book, Align for Life, is a great and substantial contribution to the Structural Integration and Health Practitioner community. The Anatomy and Kinesiology concepts are accurate and presented in such a completely assimilable format for the patient/client. The end result is that the exercises presented at the end are clearly usable in changing one’s relationship to optimal structural, health, and movement expression."



“Undoubtedly, any avid skier or athlete can enhance their energy and balance by practicing the methods detailed in Align For Life. The body awareness gained from understanding my structural integration augmented my endurance and performance in dubious ski situations when certainty was required.”

Former Editor Powder Magazine/Psychotherapist

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Change the way you move through life.

Martin Short


“I’ve been pretty rubbery in my body movements throughout my life and one of the important reasons for that is Dan Bienenfeld. The man is truly a genius. There’s no one better at making you feel better. Align For Life is a remarkable read."

Comedian & Actor


“Dan Bienenfeld’s book, Align for Life, is a great and substantial contribution to the Structural Integration and Health Practitioner community. The Anatomy and Kinesiology concepts are accurate and presented in such a completely assimilable format for the patient/client. The end result is that the exercises presented at the end are clearly usable in changing one’s relationship to optimal structural, health, and movement expression."



“Undoubtedly, any avid skier or athlete can enhance their energy and balance by practicing the methods detailed in Align For Life. The body awareness gained from understanding my structural integration augmented my endurance and performance in dubious ski situations when certainty was required.”

Former Editor Powder Magazine/Psychotherapist

Photography by Alexandra De Furio